Skate Mk2 Line Laser
✓ In stock ✓ Available to rent
Class 3R Laser Product
The Skate Laser is a precision subsea laser designed for subsea applications that require a high-quality image reference such as 3D modeling, machine vision, pipeline inspections, or marine species measurements.
It is available in various patterns and beam angles, including solid line beam or dotted grid pattern. SubC LEDs and lasers are plug-and-play when coupled with the Rayfin camera.
Qualified for shipping within the USA, Canada, and internationally.
Key features:
Precision machine vision laser
100mW class 3R 520nm green laser
Dimmable RS485 and TTL modulated laser module
Various Patterns Available
Solid line beam or dotted grid pattern.
Plug and play with SubC cameras
Specs & Details
Class 3R Laser Warning
Laser Radiation - Avoid Direct Eye Exposure
Maximum output of laser radiation: ≤5.00 mW
Emitted wavelength: 520nm ± 10nm
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